Thursday, April 2, 2009

Antioxidants - Your Best shield against Illness and Aging.

This is due to their high antioxidant worth. Click this link for articles about acai.

Your body is being continually attacked by terribly damaging substances known as free radicals or oxygen radicals. Free radicals also come from outside sources,eg smoking, environmental pollution, and man-made chemicals that are added to our water and food. It contains specialized enzymes having a "spare" electron that they can give away without turning into free radicals. To guard us, the enzymes require aid from certain substances known as antioxidants. According to the College of Michigan, Total Cancer Center, the measurement of ORAC is a method to measure how many oxygen radicals a particular food can absorb. The creation of glutathione in cells is restrained by the levels of its sulphur-containing predecessor amino acid, cysteine. However, when it is present as a cysteine-cysteine dipeptide, called cystine, it is more steady than cysteine. These are some food sources and diet additions that help raise glutathione levels naturally.

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