Saturday, August 1, 2009

Green Tea and Polyphenols.

Antioxidant vitamins perform many vital jobs that our bodies benefits from. But before we push ahead of ourselves, what are free radicals actually? A free radical is an unstable molecule, operating in the much larger context of a cell. Missing an electron is really the reason why a free radical isn't stable. Electrons are part of a system that enables chemical reactions in the body. Acai berries. This should not be treated lightly because just the correct quantity of free radicals in the body could essentially damage our cells and that is just the top of the iceberg. Antioxidant vitamins have the power to bring these free radicals in order. The first antioxidant vitamins are Vitamin E, Vitamin C and Vitamin A More importantly, these antioxidant vitamins can basically help us get shot of these free radicals which will finally cause us our healthy contentment. Their purpose seems to be a powerful, natural antioxidant. There are several plants that we consume that contain polyphenols. Concentrations are high in Olive oil and Green Tea and have been the topic of many health articles and promoted to improve your fitness. These antioxidants eliminate free radicals, unstable molecules that are the major reason for both aging and illness, in both plants and humans. Free radicals are a standard product of metabolism and result in a method called oxidation. Oxidation can damage healthy cells in the body and have been associated with many illnesses including cancer, heart problems and stroke.

Polyphenols not only work to stop sicknesses but might also help with reducing aberrant cells and swelling ; get shot of cancer causing agents and revive cells back to basics health.

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