Saturday, January 9, 2010

Keeping Diseases in check with Antioxidant Vitamins.

In recent times, a great amount of study has been done concerning the capabilities of the antioxidant vitamins to stop certain illnesses, starting from cancer to heart illnesses. Electrons are part of a system that enables chemical reactions in the body. Chemical and electric actions and reactions are the foundation of whatever's going on within our bodies. The splitting of a structure that is due to the weakening of the body's metabolism or outside factors like pollution or gasper smoking constitutes to the missing electron in a free radical.

Therefore , the free radical attacks other molecules looking for its missing part which leads to changing other molecules into free radicals also. Antioxidant vitamins have the power to bring these free radicals in order.

The first antioxidant vitamins are Vitamin E, Vitamin C and Vitamin A These antioxidant vitamins really have the power to act as "stand alone" catalysts for a more fit you thus free radicals turn out to be of no match for them. Polyphenols are compounds found in nature. These antioxidants eliminate free radicals, unstable molecules that are the major reason for both aging and illness, in both plants and humans. Free radicals are an ordinary product of metabolism and result in a technique called oxidization. Oxidization can damage healthy cells in the body and have been linked to several illnesses including cancer, heart problems and stroke. These intensely exaggerated levels of polyphenols deliver green tea's unique ends in many ways. Antioxidant vitamins obviously has lots of benefits, from helping prevent cancer, diabetes and heart illnesses, antioxidant vitamins is a very important part of our daily nutritive intake and has to be kept at its prescribed levels to keep sicknesses and illnesses in check.

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